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New Story, New Project, and New Year

Happy 2019!

I know I'm a little late, but I mean it all the same.

Happy New Year to everyone!



Confetti and glitter surround a woman's legs that are in the air, She's balancing a glass of wine on her high heeled shoe.

I published my first story of the year called Having a Ball.

It's about a woman who is invited to an exclusive sex party where anything goes. I was going to make it a New Year's story but time got away from me, as it usually does, and I figured the party circumstances could be left up to the reader.

I have a few things planned for the year, but I'm always afraid to say them out loud in fear that they won't happen. The one I want to promise myself I will finish is a story I've been working on for a year now called Sisterhood. So that will be my main focus.

I'll try to throw in some short stories here and there, like I do, but I have a new adventure that is going to take up some time.

Which brings me to...

Audiobook Narrating

I've always thought being an audiobook narrator would be a fun adventure. With an acting background and a love of books it seemed like a perfect fit. When I started writing, I had the thought that someday I would record my own stories, but I had NO IDEA how to start. I found some people who were already in the biz and asked for their advice and low and behold they were more than excited to help me get started.

It reminded me of my beginnings as an author on Twitter. If you are a writer and you haven't tapped into the writing community on Twitter you are missing out! Amazing support and friendship within that world!

But back to narrating.

With the help of these other narrators, I have set up a studio in my house and plan on starting with The Librarian Series. I will record and release them the same way I wrote them - one at a time and then put them all together into one collection. After that, I'll work my way through the rest.

There will be future blogs with links when they are available!

So what excitement lies ahead for you in 2019?

Whatever your goals, I send happy thoughts for a successful year!

Until next time


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