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Get to Know Me in My First Blog Ever! (or Big Luscious Titties)

Hi! I'm Eda and I write erotic novels! Not too long ago, I was stressed out of my mind. I found myself overworked and underpaid and it was getting to me. One day I was sitting with a coworker and we started talking about smutty books, a topic I enjoy very much, and after we discussed our favorite and not so favorite things about these books he mentioned that he knew someone in the business. This person had self published their books and they were now doing quite well for themselves. With that, I had my epiphany! Quit this job that is messing with my head and health and write smut instead! And so I did. At the time of this blog, I have 8 short stories published, a short story pending, and my first novel getting ready to release sometime this month!

In the future I would like to write a blog about my first 6 months of being self published, but I will save that for a future date.

For this post I want to talk about writing a blog. For some of you this may seem like a really easy thing but I've never written a blog before in my life! Why am I writing one now, you may ask? That is a fine question indeed. Because the interwebs told me too! Seriously though, it's because I wanted to give people a place to get to know me, and give myself a place to write about whatever happens to be on my mind! But what do I write in a blog? To answer that I went to my trusty Google browser and typed in "What to write in a blog" (seemed obvious enough) and clicked on the first article that came up. Here is a link if you'd like to read it. I liked this article because it gave me clear steps to work with. So here goes nothing!

#1. Understand your audience Oh, I understand you sick perverts!! :) You like to read about sex. Romantic sex, nasty sex, dinosaur sex (thank you Chuck Tingle and others who dabble in this realm), and any other kind of sex you can think of! I am like you, my fellow deviants. I enjoy a good story that also happens to have some hot sex, and I love writing them!

#2. Start with a topic and a working title Topic - introduce myself and start blogging. Title - Get to Know Me in My First Blog Ever! - pretty straight forward, but it is a working title. We will see if I change it before posting. (P.S. I did) #3. Write an intro (and make it captivating)

Looking back at my intro, I hope it was captivating. If you're still reading this then I did my job. Or maybe you just skimmed this blog and you're like "da fuck is this chick talking about". Either way, Hi! #4. Organize your content This one is interesting. I don't usually organize any of my writing before I start. I have an idea, I kind of think through the plot, and then I start writing. Same goes with this blog. Not that I won't rewrite it a few (thousand) times before I post it, please see #6 below, but initially I will just write and see where it goes. #5. Write! Check. #6. Edit/Proofread your post, and fix your formatting Sidebar that will be relevant, I swear. I started writing my first novel, "The Gambler in Her", about two years ago. In that time I've written 9 short stories (Cuffed will be released soon) and I have ideas for many more. Why has it taken so long for me to finish my first book? Because of editing and proofreading! I have a problem when it comes to this. I've read countless articles saying that you write your first draft really quick and then you go back and do what you need to do to make it great. My mind doesn't want to work that way. I would write a chapter and then reread it and rewrite it over and over again. When I finally finished the book it started all over again. Reread and rewrite everything a million times! This was really bad when I first started because I'd never done it before. Writing the short stories in-between has helped with my anxiety over whether or not a chapter/story is perfect. Releasing my first short story, "The Librarian Meets Dracula", was so scary, but I did it and I didn't die. I have learned that I have to eventually just be done and put it out there. I'll try to remind myself of that when I go back to reread this blog! #7. Insert a Call to Action (CTA) at the end Ok. Buy my books please! You can browse my website for links and information about all of my writing. Here's the link to my Amazon author page if you want to go straight there. I'm currently awaiting approval to publish with Nook. I will post about that as soon as it happens!

#8. Optimize for on-page SEO What the fuck does that mean? Hold please while I read about this...stands for "search engine optimization"...that's about as far as my brain could process all of that info. Well hopefully I have some great SEO stuff going on in this blog. Someday I'll try to figure out how to make it work. For now, I'm going to continue writing this blog.

#9. Pick a Catchy Title

Here's the list of how to pick a catchy title from the original blog.

  1. Start with your working title. - Get to know me in my first blog ever! Done!

  2. As you start to edit your title, keep in mind that it's important to keep the title accurate and clear. - That's pretty accurate and clear.

  3. Then, work on making your title sexy -- ???? Get to know me in my first blog ever...big luscious titties?

  4. If you can, optimize for SEO by sneaking some keywords in there (only if it's natural, though!). - Here's that SEO thing again. I promise someday I'll know what that means.

  5. Finally, see if you can shorten it at all. No one likes a long, overwhelming title -- Big luscious titties!

Now that's a good title!

There was no #10 but I would guess it's something like "Hit the damn publish button and stop rereading it!" So that is what I'm going to do! Thanks for reading and I will try to make this a regular thing. Keep an eye out for "The Gambler in Her" and "Cuffed" and while you wait check out my other stories! (look at me doing #7 here at the end. I learned.)


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